This project was called 'Deep Space'. We were told to create a world of our own and to depict the human condition within this habitation. I made mine out of Madeira cake and Malt Loaf. It is actually an interpretation of my own living room. I did a few observational drawings but eventually made a short animation as the final piece. The narrative follows the fragile mind of a domestic housewife, who gradually begins to deteriorate as her monotonous lifestyle grinds her down. I'd love to be able to show the animation here, but the file's too big! So you'll have to make do with the screenshots :)
This is the work I've done so far for the horrible Summer project. I wanted to create my own apocalyptic scene after being inspired by Chernobyl documented photographs taken by Mathew Ingram. I spent two evenings burning buckets full of fire wood in order to get enough ash to create what I had in mind. The ash is relevant because it plays a huge part in McCarthy's novel.